Selling B2B Products and Services is Complex

You need a copywriter who understands the B2B buyer’s mindset and emotions.

In B2B there are a number of factors that add complexity to a buying decision — the stakes are higher financially and professionally, the pressure to make the right decision is greater, and there are more people to please.

Sound a little daunting?

It can be. And it takes more than your average freelance writer to tackle it successfully.

I’m a copywriter who understands the business buyer mindset and how to write copy that informs, educates, and sells to this special type of customer.

For instance, any copy you produce for a B2B travel market will be affected by the following 4 factors…

  1. These buyers make buying decisions based on both the needs of the company and their own personal needs.

  2. They rarely make buying decisions alone. They’re influenced by many other players in the organization that must be considered when crafting your marketing messages.

  3. The important role that professional titles play in how you approach the message.

  4. Their product knowledge level and how this affects the way you explain the features and benefits of your product or service. (Especially the features.)

Those are what I call “The 4 Key Influencers of the Business-to-Business Buyer.” And it’s crucial that any copywriter you work with understands these influencers in order to get B2B copy that works.

So, doesn’t it just make good business sense to choose a professional who understands this mindset, and who has practical conversion, UX and B2B sales copywriting knowledge to help you create the most effective messaging possible for your buyer?

Here are my most popular B2B copywriting specialties:

Planning a new, or revamped ad campaign, website, brochure or other collateral? Struggling to get the message just right?

It’s a simple fact. When customers are presented with unclear, inconsistent, or muddled marketing messages, they instinctively say “no,” and move on. However, creating consistent selling statements throughout a marketing campaign can be difficult.

Especially when you’re under the gun to produce an ad series by the end of the day and an e-blast campaign by the end of the week — not to mention a new website landing page that’s due ASAP. Does this scenario sound familiar?

Well, I have a secret weapon that will ensure your marketing materials have consistent and strategically sound messages that stay true to your brand across all media all of the time.

The solution is a comprehensive Core Messaging PlatformTM that includes a series of strong, benefit-driven selling statements about your product or service.

Its purpose is to serve as the “master message document” from which you can spin off all your essential marketing pieces — a vital, foundational marketing pillar that’s missing from most B2B companies in this industry.

Clients I’ve introduced to the Core Messaging PlatformTM love it because it saves campaign and collateral production time. But more importantly, the Core Messaging PlatformTM is a “living” document that can grow along with your company, always making sure that you’re putting your best foot forward while maintaining the integrity of your message.

While every Core Messaging PlatformTM is customized to each business, and no two I’ve ever created are the same…

  • A strategy session with you to discuss the details needed for your Core Messaging PlatformTM
  • An in-depth interview with you and any other key personnel to get all of the information I need for the Platform
  • Product, market and competitive research that may be needed in addition to any provided by your company
  • Buyer Persona Snapshot development for each audience you’re targeting for this product/service
  • Organizing and writing the platform
  • Layout, design, and graphics
  • Collaboration with you to hone the platform down to its sharpest edge (usually 8-12 pages)
  • Once I receive final approval, you’ll receive copies of the platform in PDF and Word formats that can be printed for those who prefer reading from paper, for easy sharing among departments, and for fast cut & paste into your marketing collateral to reduce campaign production time.

Would you like to know more? Here’s how to get in touch.

If you’re looking to generate more leads, registrations, calls, renewals or sales, the fastest way is to improve conversions in your lead, sales, retention and reactivation funnels.

The better they’re written — the more relevant to your audience, the more compelling the offer, and the more motivating the CTA — the better results for you.

Writing funnels with my 7-Cs Copy Rubric that result in clicks and conversions, is one of my most popular specialties.

  • A strategy session with you to discuss the details of your project and the best plan of attack
  • Product, audience and competitive research in relation to the goals of the project
  • Help with mapping out the funnel
  • Suggestions for layout and images to improve conversions
  • Writing, editing, validating the copy of each funnel asset
  • Follow-up optimization for 30 days after launch
  • Lead generation
  • Content funnels
  • Webinar sign-ups
  • SaSS onboarding
  • Sales-call booking
  • Customer reviews
  • Limited-time-offer
  • Cancellation
  • Ad funnels
  • Presell
  • Retention, resale
  • Customer reactivation

I’d love to help you create funnel messaging that builds trust and excitement in your products/services and fosters long-term customer relationships.

Get started by contacting me here

Need copy that quickly builds trust with B2B prospects and motivates them to take the action you want them to take?

That’s what I do, using the latest, best conversion and UX copywriting practices and without resorting to hype, over-the-top promises, or follow-the-herd advice.

  • Ads
  • Advertorials
  • Landing pages
  • Product pages
  • Sell sheets
  • Emails
  • Websites
  • Case studies

Need any other sales-enablement assets? Just let me know.

“She’s a real pro.”

“Kammy is an extremely talented and skilled copywriter with a keen strategic mind and a terrific writing style: clear, crisp, compelling, conversational, with strong, motivating CTAs. I highly recommend her for any kind of marketing writing project, especially websites, emails, ads, and landing pages. She’s a real pro.”

Steve Slaunwhite, B2B marketing/sales
speaker, consultant, award-winning author

of The Everything Guide to Writing Copy